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How to view deleted youtube watch history

Best Answer, How to view deleted youtube watch history Go to your Google Account and then scroll down till you see Chrome Bookmarks if you want to check what you’ve been doing on the web. On the following screen, choose the ‘Browse history’ option. Select ‘Displayed deleted items’ from the pop-up menu that appears.

How to view deleted youtube watch history

You may see your deleted YouTube history by clicking on the “History: Deleted” button on YouTube’s History website.

How to restore deleted watch history

Log in to your YouTube account.

Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner of the main screen to access further information.

“History: (watch history, search and subscriptions)” may be accessed by clicking on the “Menu” option.

Select “Watch History” from the “History Type” drop-down menu on the right.

To see all of your watch history, go to the top of the screen and choose “All time.”

How to retrieve deleted YouTube history on Android

There is a Chrome Bookmarks section in your Google account where you may examine your browsing history. On the following page, choose ‘Browse history’ once you’ve selected it. You will be presented with a pop-up window. Click ‘Displayed deleted items.

Is YouTube history permanently deleted

For the YouTube history on your phone to be removed completely, you must uninstall and then reinstall the app. Your history will be erased if you uninstall and reinstall the app.

A Google account must be deleted before you can remove your YouTube history. If you delete your Google account, all of your data from Google’s services, including YouTube, will be deleted.

Recover deleted history on YouTube app

If you want to see deleted things without having to download them, go return to the Settings menu and turn on the ‘Displayed deleted items’ option. To retrieve your browser history, click on the ‘Recover’ button.

YouTube history deleted by itself

For new accounts or those that activate their YouTube history for the first time, the auto-delete duration will be set to 36 months. For example, the user has the option to disable auto-delete totally or to set the time-frame to three months in their preferences.

How to recover deleted YouTube history on iPhone

Is it possible to get your YouTube history back after you’ve erased it? If you want to see deleted things without having to download them, go return to the Settings menu and turn on the ‘Displayed deleted items’ option. To retrieve your browser history, click on the ‘Recover’ button.

How to recover deleted YouTube history on iPad

Go to “Settings” and then “Safari” on your iPad or iPhone. Select “Advanced” from the drop-down menu. Then choose “Website Data” in the Advanced section to examine the iPad or iPhone’s wiped history.

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