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    Categories: Game

How to delete a pokemon go google account 2022

Best answer How to delete a pokemon go google account Launch the app labelled “Settings” on your smartphone. Select the Accounts option from the menu. Choose the account that you want. In the event that you have more than one Google account, choose the Google account that you logged into Pokémon GO with. Select the Remove account option.

How to delete a pokemon go google account

Go to www.pokemon.com and sign in.
Request Data Deletion may be done by clicking on the button.
Please enter your username and password for your account.
Select Delete from the drop-down menu.
In the email, click the Delete Account option to complete the process.

How to remove Google account from Pokemon go iPhone

In order to delete your Google account from Pokémon GO on iPhone, follow these steps.

To delete an account, go to Settings -> Accounts -> Delete Account.

How to delete a Pokémon Go account

From your Profile page, go to the bottom of the page and select Request Data Deletion to request data deletion. Delete is an abbreviation for “delete.” The page for your account will appear. Enter your account’s username and password, and then click Delete to remove it from the system.

How to delete Pokémon Go account from Facebook

As soon as you have signed in, go to the top of the page and click on the “Profile” icon. This will bring up a brief list of alternatives for changing the information in your personal profile. Select “Delete Account” from the drop-down menu. Once this is completed, you will be invited to confirm that you want to delete your account.

Does Pokémon Go delete inactive accounts

Niantic is aware of dormant accounts and does not remove them until they are reported to them. They are, however, unaware of which accounts are inactive since they do not have the data necessary to determine this for themselves.

How long does it take to delete Pokémon Go account

It will take a few days or weeks to complete the removal of data and cancellation of the account in question. The deletion of all data and accounts is entirely irreversible after it has been completed. Your prior e-mail ID will not be accepted as a valid login ID when creating a new Pokemon Go account.

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